Why the feel-good vote is a left-wing vote. And why that’s wrong.

Voting left-wing is generally associated with a sort of feel-good vibe. It makes people (well, uniformed people) feel like they are voting for “World peace”. “No more poverty”. “Saving the environment”. “Welcoming in people in need”. “Everybody being sweet to everybody”. And the left is good at coming up with catchy slogans. It’s too bad … More Why the feel-good vote is a left-wing vote. And why that’s wrong.

Syria overview: war is surprisingly mainstream

As tension is mounting around North Korea, the situation in Syria is still shrouded in confusion. Trump has stated in an interview with the New York Post that the US is “not going into Syria”, which seems clear enough, but goes against earlier statements by Rex Tillerson, Nikki Haley and General H.R. McMaster who have all hinted or more at the possibility … More Syria overview: war is surprisingly mainstream

Leave while you can, your vote will never again make a difference in Brussels

Last April, the Dutch had a referendum on the EU association treaty with Ukraine. The outcome is frustratingly predictable, but it is still worth offering some details of the proceedings, especially in light of the upcoming Brexit referendum on June 23rd. The EU is proving once more that it is not just undemocratic, but even … More Leave while you can, your vote will never again make a difference in Brussels

Happy Energy and The Human Age

One year ago today, Dutch astronaut Wubbo Ockels passed away. He left behind an uplifting and empowering message warning us of the direction humanity has taken, and offering possibilities for a better future. I am reposting his message because I share his concerns, but also his optimism that we can make the necessary changes happen.

Freedom is inevitable

Violence and coercion are signs of weakness, needed only by those who know that their arguments are not good enough to speak for themselves. Whether it applies to a government running the lives of its people, one nation interfering in the business of another or individuals trying to gain control over others, the use of … More Freedom is inevitable