Openly discussing ideas = Nazism, according to leftists

These leftist street thugs assault a man and steal his property, i.e. his sign that simply says “The right to openly discuss ideas must be defended.” That is enough nowadays to be harassed in the street and called a Nazi. Surely nobody is surprised that leftists are not interested in the exchange of ideas, they … More Openly discussing ideas = Nazism, according to leftists

Why the feel-good vote is a left-wing vote. And why that’s wrong.

Voting left-wing is generally associated with a sort of feel-good vibe. It makes people (well, uniformed people) feel like they are voting for “World peace”. “No more poverty”. “Saving the environment”. “Welcoming in people in need”. “Everybody being sweet to everybody”. And the left is good at coming up with catchy slogans. It’s too bad … More Why the feel-good vote is a left-wing vote. And why that’s wrong.

Dutch and Belgian school girls assaulted by migrant teens during school day trip

Sixteen girls, aged 13 and 14 years old, were assaulted and groped by immigrant teens of the same age. The girls were in the Technopolis museum in Belgium on day trips with their schools. Twelve of them were from a Dutch school, and four from a Belgian school. The assailants attend that same school in … More Dutch and Belgian school girls assaulted by migrant teens during school day trip

Jihad drug lab taken down in The Netherlands

Dutch police have discovered and taken down a drug lab in the small town of Brunssum. During the raid in April, police seized tens of thousands of pills and a large supply of amphetamines. Captagon pills, as they are called, contain amphetamines and caffeine, and they are used by ISIS to keep their fighters awake, alert and aggressive. … More Jihad drug lab taken down in The Netherlands

Dutch WWII Remembrance Day hijacked by the refugee industry

May 4th is Remembrance Day in The Netherlands – a day to reflect on the countless Dutch lives lost during World War 2 and in armed conflicts and wars since then. This year, however, the ceremony in Amsterdam will be flanked by a second remembrance gathering, focused on the lives lost by refugees (and other migrants posing as … More Dutch WWII Remembrance Day hijacked by the refugee industry

Dutch government wants to give justice system access to medical records

The Dutch government is crafting a bill that would make patients’ medical information available to the justice department. A Dutch privacy watchdog points out that health care professionals have at some point taken bodily material from almost everyone (blood test, operations, a smear, neonatal heel prick, etc). In its current concept the proposed bill would … More Dutch government wants to give justice system access to medical records

Liberals OK with shutting down Coulter must also be OK with shutting down Gay Pride

Professor Aaron Hanlon of Colby University was on Tucker Carlson Tonight defending his article stating that “colleges have a right to reject hateful speakers like Ann Coulter”. It is mainly thanks to apologists like Hanlon that terrorism has won in Berkeley again last Thursday (April 27). There was a free speech rally, thanks to the … More Liberals OK with shutting down Coulter must also be OK with shutting down Gay Pride